Shehu Sani has revealed the intricate political maneuvering involved in attempting to remove Senate President Godswill Akpabio from office. In a recent statement via his X account, He explained that even discussing the possibility of removal with a colleague can quickly get back to Akpabio, who will then take action to protect himself.
Sani emphasized that the only way to successfully remove Akpabio would be for a Senator to gather support from their colleagues and initiate a formal impeachment process. However, if the attempt fails, the Senator who led the charge may face suspension until the next election.
According to him
“Removing Akpabio is only possible if a Senator consults his colleagues and gets enough numbers to initiate an impeachment;If the plot fails,the Senator may go on suspension till the next election.That is it”
“By the time you discuss with one Senator,before you reach home,he has called Akpabio and tell am say you wan remove am.Then you go be on your own”….Seē_Morē