Upcoming Yoruba movie actress and businesswoman, Abiola Kate Lawal, has revealed some of the difficult moments of her life when she was still married to her ex-husband, while also stating how she was treated unfairly by her ex-husband and his family.
In a video that was posted on the official YouTube channel of Talk-To-B during an interview with Biola Adebayo, she disclosed that when her baby was receiving treatment in the hospital, she was abandoned by her ex-husband and his family until the baby died in the hospital.
In her statement, she said, “When I took my baby to the hospital, the doctor said they needed to give him a drip on his head, but the head started swelling up and they had to remove it.
“I could not even afford to buy tea for the baby when he was hungry, and my ex-husband and his mother didn’t show up at the hospital.
“When my baby was sick, my husband abandoned me and the baby at the hospital until he died.”….Seê_Morê