Popular Yoruba movie actor Tayo Amokade, also known as Ijebu, has revealed the only thing that he has never done to any actress in his movie career, while also stating clearly his demands to producers about what he would like to do before he retires from acting movies.
In a video that was posted on the official Instagram page of Ijebuuofficial, he made it known that he has never kissed any actress in a movie before, saying that he wants a movie role where he would be able to do so.
In his statement, he said, “I want to use this medium to appeal to producers to write a movie script where I will have to be together with a girl.
“I have never kissed any actress, I want a movie role where I can kiss any actress of my choice.
“Although I like playing the role of a gateman in movies, now I’m getting old and I would like to experience something new.”….Seē _Morē