Veteran Nollywood actress Ngozi Nwosu recently opened up about a moment in her life when she chose to cancel her wedding due to physical abuse. During an interview with her colleague Abiola Ayomide Adebayo, Nwosu shared the painful experience that led her to make this difficult decision just two days before her wedding.
Nwosu revealed that despite being pregnant with her ex-partner’s child, she felt compelled to call off the wedding after he physically abused her. This incident marked the first time he had ever shown such violence, prompting her to question the future of their relationship. The actress emphasized that enduring physical abuse was not something she was willing to tolerate, especially given her condition at the time.
In discussing the broader issue of marital challenges, Nwosu noted that while infidelity is a serious concern, it may not always be a sufficient reason to end a marriage. She argued that there are circumstances where couples might work through issues of unfaithfulness. However, she made it clear that physical abuse is an entirely different matter, one that justifies leaving a relationship to ensure personal safety and well-being.
Nwosu’s decision to cancel her wedding was driven by a profound realization of the potential dangers of staying with an abusive partner. She highlighted the importance of recognizing red flags and taking decisive action to protect oneself. She advocates for awareness and intervention in cases of abuse, emphasizing that no one should endure physical harm in the name of love or commitment.
According to him: “Infidelity is not really enough for you to let go of your man. I called off my wedding 2 days before, because that day he gave me a beating of my life, I was pregnant then, and I was like is this what I’m entering?”….Seē _ Morē