Veteran Nollywood actress Ngozi Nwosu recently opened up about her experience with a severe kidney ailment. In an interview with Biola Adebayo, posted on the official YouTube channel of Biola Adebayo Ent, Nwosu detailed the health challenges she faced and how she ultimately survived.
Nwosu shared that she had suffered from extensive damage to both of her kidneys, which left her in excruciating pain and on the brink of death. Despite her suffering, there was widespread misinformation about her health condition, with many people spreading unfounded rumors.
In Nigeria, her condition was misdiagnosed, which exacerbated her situation and led to significant financial strain. Nwosu revealed that all her savings were depleted in her efforts to manage the illness locally, but her condition continued to deteriorate due to the incorrect diagnosis and treatment.
While recognizing the severity of her situation, she emphasized the crucial intervention that came when she was flown abroad for proper medical care. This decision proved to be life-saving, as the appropriate treatment abroad helped manage her condition effectively.
Nwosu credited former Lagos State governor Babatunde Raji Fashola and former Senate President Ayim Pius Ayim for their pivotal roles in her recovery. Their financial support enabled her to travel and receive the necessary treatment overseas, which ultimately saved her life. Reflecting on her journey, Nwosu expressed immense gratitude for the support she received and highlighted the importance of accurate diagnosis and proper medical care.
She said, “I spent all my money, and it was former Lagos State governor Babatunde Raji Fashola and former Senate President Ayim Pius Ayim that gave me the financial support in order to travel for treatment abroad.”….Seē_Morē