In a recent report by The Sun, Shehu Sani, a former senator from Kaduna State said most of the businesses such as spare parts, building materials, and pharmaceutical stores, in the north are owned by individuals from other regions. He said these entrepreneurs established and grew their businesses without any government support
Senator Sani said when leaders from the north were in power, northerners did not blame them for the poverty and insecurity in the north. He said instead, they attributed their economic difficulties and security issues to God and to their sins.
In Sani’s words: “All the spare parts, building materials, and pharmaceutical stores in the north are private businesses owned by people from other regions who were not backed, funded, or supported by any government. When our kinsmen were in power, we attributed our poverty and insecurity to God and to our sins; when our kinsmen were out of power, we attributed our sufferings to the king”….Seê_Morê